The reason we are who we are stems from cultures, traditions, and history from long ago.
Using digital technology, we fulfill our role as a team of digital craftsmen to protect tangible and intangible cultural assets,
share their significance with a wider audience, and protect
their value along with real cultural assets for all eternity.
Laser Radar Society of Japan
Sharing knowledge of advanced laser sensing technology and research, pursuing the leading edge of the industry, improving results through academic exchange, and contributing to the advancement of laser sensing technology and its industrial application.
Hybrid dual use/
Double income research society
Acquire the latest knowledge and networks in the field of dual-use, including unmanned aircraft technology, and together we will seek to secure profits in extreme environments. We will also promote collaboration between civilian and defense sectors and contribute to the development of technology and services.
Consortium for Satelite Earth Observation
Contribute to the continuous and effective monitoring of the global environment by utilizing the latest satellite technology. We promote cooperation and information exchange through our international network to advance earth observation technology and make beneficial contributions to society.